Cheers to an unforgettable 2024 for our Pet-Friendly Bakery!
Whether you’ve treated your furry friends to our snacks or simply scrolled through our website, your support has meant the world to us. Each moment you’ve shared with COSMICOS has made this year extra special.
Now, let’s take a moment to celebrate the milestones and successes that shaped our 2024. Join us as we reflect on the highlights that made this year truly pawesome!
1- Kim was interviewed by CBS News, Fox News, NBC Chicago Today, Spotlight WGN.
2- We gained 4k followers, reaching our 7k milestone👏🏼
3- We bought our first work-van 🚙
4- We were able to re-brand all our treats
5- We travelled across the country several times for events at Los Angeles, San Diego, Milwaukee, and our Hometown Chicago.
6- Our top selling cities:
Chicago, California & NYC
7- We also got the chance to send our treats to every state of America, including Puerto Rico, Alaska and Hawaii.✨
8- But somehow our treats ended up being bought in Thailand, Japan, Dubai and parts of Mexico and Latin America.
9- We baked over 200 cakes and cupcakes 🙀
10- Our sales grew 370%
11- We showed up in more than 160 Farmers Markets dates and over 30 pet-friendly events.
12- We are now selling our pet friendly treats in more than 20 stores including one in Tijuana, Mexico.
13- We were able to donate to several animal shelters
Definitely our year has been but were so thankful to dedicate our passion into what we do best: pet happiness