Founded on 2024 by Colleen Paige animal rights defensor, National Dog Day is celebrated to raise awareness of dogs, their roles in our lives, and the importance of adoption.
It's a day where we appreciate the companionship, loyalty and love the dogs provide to humans and other species. As we know the bond that humans and dogs share is so strong we couldn't picture our existence without them by our side.
These are some ways you can conmemorate and raise awareness about this National Dog Day:
a) Donate to shelters:
Look for the nearest shelter or the foundation that resonates with you and ask for all the ways that you can help them. We like helping: Anti Cruelty or Live Like Roo
b) Adopt a Dog:
Bring a new dog to your home so you can witness an incredible transformation in your life.
c) Treat your Dog:
Going out for a long walk, taking them on a special outing or buying them special treats is a great way to spend this day.
Celebrate this National Dog Day with COSMICOS, this day we have 25% off on all our Farm Fresh Snackies, Sprinkles, and Cookies.
Valid only on August 26th, 2024 when buying through our website